Membership of the allotment association is by invitation and open to anyone living in Melbourne and the surrounding area. 


Vacant allotments are offered initially to the existing members to allow those members wishing to increase or decrease their commitment to growing their own produce to take on a full plot or downsize to a half plot. Remaining vacant plots are then offered to people on a waiting list on the basis of first-come-first-served. On the rare occasion that vacant plots remain, they are advertised in the local press and on notice boards.


Plots are offered as units of approximately 300 square yards .

Newcomers may apply for a plot on which to serve a “probationary” first year, after which time their commitment and competence will be assessed for membership.


As a none-profit “mutual” organisation, fees are set to ensure access to the allotments is fair and affordable to a cross section of the community. Current fees are explained on application. 

Fees consist of an annual “maintenance” or “upkeep” fee per plot and for full members a one-off, refundable “share” ownership fee for the allocated plot.


For more information, a site visit or an application to join the waiting list, please click on the link below and an officer will contact you at the earliest opportunity.